Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pigeons ! the bird family strikes again ...

Well if crows weren't enough in their public display of lack of affection here come their cousins the pigeons! (refer my earlier post on crows) I have woken up to the fact that the pigeons have taken up all but one window sil of my humble abode. A couple sleeps on the grill above the clothes line (in one window) every night and hop around with their friends during the day on the same grill. Between them they spread their droppings on the grills, window panes and my freshly washed clothes if left out for drying for more than one day! Another couple like upsetting the freshly wash bottles and plates kept for drying on the other window sil, leaving their mark on them and then sleeping there. The queen among all of these is the one who sleeps in a plastic bag on the third window along with an egg possibly (considering the fact that she does it for the entire day) despite my thuds on the glass panes and menacing looks! Currently regret not having removed the bag from the window at the first sight of droppings on it ! So am now reduced to shooing both the couples whenever possible and giving non-violent menacing frosty nosed stares at the plastic cover homed pigeon apart from praying that they find greener pastuers soon.

1 comment:

shark_surfs said...

update: the plastic cover was found to contain one live pigeon and two eggs safely deposited outside bag et all.. and the same day two pigeons decided to visit the inside of the house. since they are bothering me so much seriously contemplating subletting the house provided they dont leave their mark around..